Hello There!

My name is Breno Vitório, but I'm also known as TheRealBrenu

 whois brenu.com.br
Computer Science student Amateur cybersecurity researcher Bug hunter

Recent Work

Finished 2021 as the 7th hacker in the world at Intigriti for the last quarter, and 87th hacker of all time there. Had the opportunity to contribute to companies like Red Bull, Randstad, Telenet, Soundtrack Your Brand, etc.

Also made my first reports on HackerOne, and from there also had the opportunity to contribute to the security of big companies, such as Adobe, IBM, Sony, Xiaomi and also the U.S. Department of Defense.

Reported vulnerabilities in three different open source projects: Elgg, HumHub and Vim (yes, the text editor). They were all reported through Huntr, which is an awesome bug bounty platform exclusively designed to make open source code more secure.

Contributions to Open Source

December 2021

November 2021